maître Sifo Dyas

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  • Avatar padawanthrawn


    9932 Crédits

    Une petite information sur Sifo Dyas : c'est bien un maître Jedi qui a existé. Il a agi seul mais en avait parlé à Dooku (les deux pensaient que la république était corrompue). C'est ce dernier qui l'a tué.

    jeudi 20 septembre 2007 - 10:44 Modification Admin Réaction Permalien

  • Avatar Jorus-Beku-n


    12506 Crédits

    Merci pour l'info, par contre, pourrais-tu nous en donner la source ?

    jeudi 20 septembre 2007 - 11:17 Modification Admin Réaction Permalien

  • Avatar oben150


    907 Crédits

    ton post tombe jsute le jour ou je voulais faire des recherches sur lui ^^
    euh sinon on pourrai avoir plus de détails sur sa vie? (tes sources suffiraient)
    encore merci pour l'info

    jeudi 20 septembre 2007 - 16:42 Modification Admin Réaction Permalien

  • Avatar padawanthrawn


    9932 Crédits

    Oui faut dire que je n'ai pas encore fini le livre. Il s'agit de Labyrinth of Evil de James Luceno. En VF : Le Labyrinthe du mal

    Je vous mets quelques extraits en spoiler au cas où ça intéresse des personnes.
    2 discussions : une entre yoda et obi-wan et la deuxième réflexions intérieures de Dooku. La deuxième donne donc toutes les preuves de ce qui est dit dans le premier post. Par contre, c'est en anglais...

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    Discussion entre Obi-wan et Yoda.

    "Close friends they were. Bound together by the unifying Force. But worried about Master Dooku, Sifo-Dyas was. Worried about his disenchantment with the Republic; about self-absoprtion among the Jedi. Saw in Dooku the effect of Qui-Gon's death, Sifo-Dyas did. The effect that resurfaced the Sith had." Yoda shook his head mourfully."Knew of Dooku's imminent departure, Master Sifo-Dyas did. Sensed, he may have, the birth of the Separatist movement."


    "Master, did Sifo-Dyas order the clone army?"
    Yoda nodded. "Contacted the Kaminoans, he did."
    "Without your knowledge?"
    "Without it, yes. But exists, a record of his initial contact."


    "Could Tyrannus have been an alias for Sifo-Dyas ? Could he have adopted the name to provide deniability for the Jedi in case the clone army was discovered ?"
    "Wished for that I did. But killed Sifo-Dyas was, before on Kamino Jango Fett arrived."
    "Murdered ?"
    Yoda compressed his thin lips. "Unsolved the crime remains, but, yes: murdered."
    "Smeone knew, " Obi-Wan said, more to himself, "Dooku?" he asked Yoda.
    "A theory I have-nothing more. Murder, Dooku committed. Then, from the Jedi archives erased Kamino, he did. Of that tampering, proff Master Jocasta Nu found- proof of Dooku's action, though well concealed it was."

    Discussion de Dooku pour lui-même

    His discontent had continued to grow and fester; his frustration with the Republic Senate, with ineffectual Supreme Chancellor Valorum, with the shortsightedness of the Jedi Council members themselves. A Trade Federation blockade of Naboo, rumors of a Chosen One found on a desert world, the death of Qui-Gon Jinn at the hands of a Sith... How could the Council members not see what was happening ? How could they continue to claim that the Dark side osbcured all ?
    But Yoda was living proof of a conservatism that came with extended life. Dooku's true confidant had been Master Sifo-Dyas, who, while also disturbed by what was occuring, was too weak to take action.
    The Battle of Naboo had revealed that the Sith were back...Dooku had given thought to seeking him out, perhaps killing him...There had been no need to hunt for Sidious, for it was Sidious who had approached him.Sidious's boldness surprised him at first, but it hadn't taken long for Dooku to become fascinating by the Sith. Instead of a lightsaber duel to the death, there had been much discussion...But partnership with a Sith didn't make one a Sith...

    One of your former confidants at the Jedi Temple has perceived the coming change, Sidious had told him. This one has contacted a group of cloners, regarding the creation of an army for the Republic. The order for the army can stand, for we will be able to make use of that army someday. But Master Sifo-Dyas cannot stand, for the Jedi cannot learn about the army until we are prepared to have them learn of it.

    And so with the murder of Sifo-Dyas, Dooku had embraced the dark side fully, and Sidious had conferred on him the title of Darth Tyrannus. His final act before leaving the Jedi order was to erase all mentions of Kamino from the Jedi archives. Then, as Tyranus, he had found Fett on Bogg 4; had instructed the Mandalorian to deliver himself to Kamino; and had arranged for payments to be made to the cloners through circuitous routes...

    Chevalier Jedi Terrik Nuruodo, adepte du soresu
    Ancien maître de Mara_Jade
    High Admiral
    Terrik Powaaaaaaa

    Ce message a été modifié par: padawanthrawn le 20-09-2007 19:11

    jeudi 20 septembre 2007 - 18:02 Modification Admin Réaction Permalien

  • Avatar oben150


    907 Crédits

    a ok!
    il va donc falloir que je me procure ce livre... (mais en francais^^)
    encore merci pour l'info

    jeudi 20 septembre 2007 - 18:15 Modification Admin Réaction Permalien

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  • Avatar padawanthrawn


    9932 Crédits

    si besoin est je peux traduire : là je me suis "contenté" de recopier.

    jeudi 20 septembre 2007 - 19:10 Modification Admin Réaction Permalien

  • Avatar ryo-fett


    809 Crédits

    Je me pose une question a propos de Sifo Dyas:

    Pourquoi a t il commandait une armée pour la république si il pensait quelle était corrompue.

    mercredi 26 septembre 2007 - 18:39 Modification Admin Réaction Permalien

  • Avatar padawanthrawn


    9932 Crédits

    je te remets le passage qui explique son geste

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    One of your former confidants at the Jedi Temple has perceived the coming change, Sidious had told him. This one has contacted a group of cloners, regarding the creation of an army for the Republic. The order for the army can stand, for we will be able to make use of that army someday. But Master Sifo-Dyas cannot stand, for the Jedi cannot learn about the army until we are prepared to have them learn of it.

    Sifo-Dyas l'a fait car il avait senti le changement et surtout un danger qui nécessitait la présence de troupes. N'oublions pas que la bataille de Naboo a vu venir les droïdes de la confédération et la résurgence des Sith...Peu ont senti que les Sith revenaient, entre autres : Dooku et Sifo-Dyas ; et ce malgré l'avertissement d'Obi-wan.

    jeudi 27 septembre 2007 - 10:12 Modification Admin Réaction Permalien

  • Avatar ryo-fett


    809 Crédits

    Merci de m'avoir répondu je comprend mieux :cli:

    jeudi 27 septembre 2007 - 10:21 Modification Admin Réaction Permalien

  • Avatar moi-moi


    881 Crédits

    jaimerais savoir quel livre je pourait macheter qui explique lhistoire de sifo dyas et lépoque quil a vécu etc. merci

    samedi 10 octobre 2009 - 03:22 Modification Admin Réaction Permalien

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  • Avatar donna1205


    89 Crédits

    Cependant, Sifo-Dyas a agi seul, sans en informer le Conseil Jedi ni ses pairs. Il est entré slither io en contact avec le Comte Dooku, un autre Jedi respecté à l'époque, pour discuter de ses préoccupations. Dooku partageait également les inquiétudes de Sifo-Dyas quant à la corruption de la République.

    mardi 04 juillet 2023 - 03:19 Modification Admin Réaction Permalien

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